It's great to be back home in Southern California for a little r & r after the whirlwind of the last couple months. We were able to get some serious rest last week at a home that God provided for us in Laguna Beach. The kids have really been able to let their hair down, and have absolutely loved seeing all of our family and friends. This week we are in Valencia visiting with some wonderful friends. I had the opportunity to speak at church on Sunday (you can listen to the sermon titled "trusting god through trials" at one of the following links: copperhill website copperhill blog spot ). God sustained my voice, and encouraged us all through the story of His faithfullness to our family.
Update on my voice... I went to see a specialist at USC last Thursday and go again tomorrow. They seem very positive that with some solid therapy my voice has a good chance of returning. Thank you all for praying for my recovery. I still have a ways to go, but I'm feeling well and on the road to recovery.
We will be in So Cal. until April 14th, and then returning to El Salvador. We are planning to spend some good time with both our families and with some dear friends. I will also be preaching at my dad's church in San Diego on April 8th for Easter (Mira Mesa First Assembly).
We feel so blessed to be back, and thank all of you who have been holding us up in prayer. God is using this time to reconnect us to home and to continue the healing process.