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“Only those who will risk going too far can
possibly find out how far it is possible to go.” — T.S. Eliot

Life without risk isn’t worth living. I try to live without fear, but the bigger the risk, the bigger the fear. I’m reminded that courage means to accept the fear we all encounter, and to move forward regardless.

Current Resume



The picture to the right is me, with a bullet in my neck. Every day I’m asked why I speak like I’ve been partying too hard the night before, or been yelling at my kids. Most people think I’m sick with laryngitis. I’m finally getting used to the questions because the story is pretty radical.

In 2007, I was living in El Salvador with my family. We were serving as missionaries. I traveled to one of our projects, building a medical clinic, in the far east of the country. On the way back, a masked shooter attacked our caravan and filled my truck with bullets. One bullet hit me in the neck and lodged in my esophagus.

For the next 9 hours, I struggled to get out of the dense jungle to get back to San Salvador, in a quest to save my life. By the grace of God, I made it back, and the bullet was surgically removed in a Salvadoran hospital.

I remained in El Salvador for another 4 years serving with a local NGO. I also purchased a piece of ocean front property that we’ve developed over the years. I travel to El Salvador every year to continue to support the great people of that country, and to enjoy the beauty of it’s land.

We wrote a book about it. It’s pretty good. You can buy here.

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commercial Lighting

If you have ever been with me when I walk into a new building, you will see me immediately staring up. I’m looking at the lighting. More specifically, I’m wondering if the design works for the space, if the installation looks clean, and if the amount and quality of light is right. I love when architects and builders get it right. It drives me nuts when they don’t.

For over 20 years, I’ve worked with owners and builders across the U.S. to design and install lighting to make spaces look beautiful, and not break the bank in the process. I started working for Regency Lighting in 1998. In 2000 we started a new division to serve national retailers and builders. Today, Regency is one of the top commercial lighting design/suppliers for new construction in the U.S.

I work with a diverse portfolio of clients. In 2018, I provided consulting and supply for a private school in Delano, a 1 million square foot industrial building, a restaurant in Chicago, multiple corporate HDQ offices, retail spaces, a bank TI, and various multi-family buildings.

I’d love to help your next project. Contact me at


executive leadership

I believe that good leadership matters. Quality executive leaders can build cultures within their organizations that have tremendous impact. Poor leaders are a drain on people’s energy, motivation, and commitment.

In 2012 I graduated from the University of San Diego, with a Master’s of Executive Leadership, studying with a cohort of executives from San Diego companies. We were mentored by Ken Blanchard in servant leadership, and taught to strive to achieve great results, while investing in people along the way.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve held leadership positions in diverse contexts; business, education, international non-profits, and the church. I love taking opportunities at early stages and developing them into successful and sustainable endeavors.  I work to be a servant leader and build quality relationships with clients, colleagues, and outside partners to accomplish strategic objectives. 

I have consulted a variety of clients to use strategic planning and servant leadership to build quality organizations, and to fulfill mission and purpose. If are interested in this type of coaching/consulting, please email me at



Dara and I met in college at Vanguard University in 1994, and were married by 1996, and had PJ by the end of 1997. Isaac, Hannah, and Kaya came quickly after, and with them our life has been a whirlwind of adventures. In 22 years of marriage, we’ve moved over 15 times, living across the U.S. and in Central America.

Today, we reside in Oceanside, California. Peter (PJ), our oldest, is finishing his last few semesters at SDSU. He is starting an apparel brand, named Pehota. Isaac is an experienced lifeguard and waterman, pursuing more dreams than we can keep up with. Hannah and Kaya are in high school, both playing water polo and keeping active social calendars.

Dara has built a business as a doula and coach. Her business, Joyful Roots, serves women in San Diego.

When time allows, we enjoy surfing together, sitting by the campfire, and enjoying some grub.


Surfing and golfing are great outlets. I’m a bit spoiled that my “home” break is Punta Mango, El Salvador with 85 degree water year round. I try to get down a couple times a year with buddies and family. My partner, Mike Peterson, and I have built a tropical paradise we call Villa Punta Mango. It looks out on Punta Mango, and provides endless hours of sunshine and restoration. Email me if you’d like to book it for an upcoming trip.

Golf wise, I have fallen in love with Goat Hill in Oceanside, CA. A group of local businessmen and golf lovers have restored this real estate to provide our community with a course that challenges the best golfers while giving access to all.
