What's in my neck...

It looks like into my throat. Yesterday, I went into the hospital for another procedure. I’ve been having real difficulty breathing and speaking for at least two weeks. It has been getting progressively worse, and on Monday the doctors here found a clue to why. Twice a week since I was released from the hospital I’ve been going to the ear/nose/throat doctor for checkups. They are a lot of fun….each time he puts a 12” metal rod down my throat that has a camera and a light on it to examine my trachea. The first week the vocal chords were not moving at all. Last week they were moving a little, but a small object seemed to appear right below my vocal chords, in my trachea. They couldn’t make out what it was.

On Monday, they saw it very clearly. It seemed to be a piece of glass lodged in the inside of my trachea. So yesterday, I underwent a light operation where they performed a scope and extraction. No glass, but a piece of my shirt. When the bullet ripped through my collar it took a piece of my shirt with it. It was about ½ the size of my small pinky fingernail. It’s been moving through my neck for a few weeks, and my body has been working to get rid of it. For the last week it has really inhibited my ability to breath.

I spent last night in the hospital (Tues) and came home this morning. Thankfully I feel a little better. My breathing is improving, but my voice still has a long way to go. There is good chance that there is still some paralysis in my vocal chords caused by the impact of the bullet. I start voice therapy tomorrow, and we are hopeful that in time the vocal chords will improve to full strength.

I’m on pretty strict orders to not do much talking. This is probably the hardest part of the recovery, because I’m pretty limited in what I can do until I get my voice back. God is teaching me patience through it all. I have felt some pretty strong emotions of frustration, anger, and depression over the last week. Yet, I’m watching the Lord walk me through each moment. Whenever I start feeling overwhelmed, He encourages me either through his Word, through an email, or a phone call. It is so amazing to me to watch God speak in such creative and beautiful ways into my heart. He is our great comforter and friend.

IMG_4434.JPGThank you for all the prayers that went out yesterday. God responded with great faithfulness. I feel good about the procedure and hopeful that I’m on the right path to recovery. Please continue to pray for my voice. If it doesn’t return, I will have to truly pray through some life choices in the coming months. But, I feel confident that God wants to restore my voice. I’m willing to accept either direction. But I’d really prefer the ability to gab again. Take care and be encouraged. God is on the throne!!