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Visitors to El Salvador


huff family
Jaime and Rebecca Huff arrived in El Salvador at the beginning of the summer. With their daughters, Reina (4yrs) and Emily (2yrs), they came to support the ministry of ENLACE and to hang out with our family. Jaime, a professor of anthropology at Vanguard University, is helping to establish a research department for ENLACE that will dramatically help our efforts to be effective with all our projects and programs. They are planning (and we are praying) to come for a full year in 2008-2009.

pete and scott
Scott Anderson , a close friend from college, came to visit us in the beginning of August. Scott and I worked together at Regency Lighting for a number of years before we made the move to El Salvador. Scott was an incredible encouragement to our family, and made the journey with me and Jaime for my first return to Abelines since the shooting. Visit photos of Scott’s time here.


james and pastor miguel
James Matthews , an engineer specializing in water systems, came at the beginning of August. A complete miracle, I met James right before we moved in 2005 and had been so impressed by his skill and his demeanor. Yet, I never knew what God was up to. We are currently at a very critical phase at the water project in Las Delicias. I felt a real urge to get some outside consultation on the design that was budgeted for over $1 million. I sent an email to James and ten days later he was in El Salvador. His humility and expertise are proving to be priceless gifts to this project. It is possible that we will save a few hundred thousand dollars from his consultation. Even more, we had an opportunity to build a friendship with James that will continue to grow for years to come. Visit photos of James’ time here.

In May, Dara met a wonderful woman named Sara Cramer while studying in Guatemala.  Sara made the journey last weekend to meet our kids and hang out in Hotel DeSoto.  We loved having her and look forward to this new and growing friendship.  Sara returns to Minnesota, her home, later this month. 


isaac with torch
The boys were blessed to join a summer program down the street from our house in San Salvador. They played soccer, basketball, volleyball, swam, did art and drama. It encouraged us to watch their confidence grow as they felt more comfortable in a Spanish environment. PJ even shot the winning basket for his team the last day. See pics here.


pj with monkey
Over the summer we visited the a bay off the pacific coast with some friends. Renting a fishing boat for the day we explored through some beautiful waterways with amazing vistas of Salvadoran volcanoes. After the day, we ventured further into the jungle to visit a local family whose home was inhabited by 26 monkeys. With a few hoots and a number of bananas the monkeys descended to give our kids a treat. See pics here.


pj pushes sand
The boys were able to join a recent mission team as we finished a number off concrete walls to guard the well site of the Las Delicias water project. They worked diligently, wheeling loads of sand and filling in concrete. Their hearts to serve encouraged us all. Here are some pics of the day.



women's tea
We’ve had a full summer with a host of mission teams from the States. Watching God work in the hearts of those visiting encouraged us as a staff as well as those working so hard in the communities. Along with the hard work that each team brought, it seemed that most people realized the priority of relationship building and of edifying the people of El Salvador. One group hosted a women’s tea that brought out 100 people in Las Delicias. (see pics). The women here talked about the event for weeks as they were treated with the highest degree of love and respect. Other groups tuned into the spiritual climate of the communities and spent significant time praying over the people in El Salvador. Others brought food to the most hurting in the communities, and others responded to the Lord’s leading and shared the gospel with individuals who responded in faith.  Visit our photo albums to see pics from the various trips, here.

We have recently hired three new staff to keep up with the demand for us to work with more churches. (see story) Our heart is to be in 50 by 2010. God seems to be building a team at ENLACE to do the work He desires. Please keep us in your prayers.