January 23, 2007
Friends and Family,
I want to express my deepest thanks to all of you who have been praying for my health and for our family. I’m writing you all from a hospital bed in San Salvador after the craziest five days of my life. God has been so merciful to me and to our family and he protected me from almost certain death, and has cared for me as I make my way back to health.
I am currently on the road to recovery. The doctors repaired the damage to my esophagus on Thursday and have been running tests all week to evaluate the healing. They have been, and still are, most concerned about infections that could be caused by the impact of the bullet, it’s time in my neck (7 hours), and the fluids that went into my chest cavity. We are all still in awe of the fact that the bullet lodged where it did. Had I been hit one or two centimeters in either direction, and most likely I’d been dead or seriously injured. From what I have heard, roughly 5% of people who are shot in the neck survive
The doctors are saying that I may be out of the hospital within another week. I’m anxious to get out. I’m even more anxious to get the feeding tube out, and to eat a good meal. Our family has been rallied behind by a wonderful community here in El Salvador, and we have felt everyone’s prayers in the most profound ways. Dara has been a rock to me. God is doing amazing things in her heart through this all. Yet, she has yet had the time to really deal with it all. I’m sure when she does there will be feelings we’ll need to work through. The kids are doing relatively well. PJ and Isaac are dealing with it all the most severe. They are having some nightmares and are dealing with fear. They are in school, which helps. Yet, we miss our time together as I have only been able to see them a couple times.
The ENLACE team is going through a lot. Our entire ministry is founded upon a heart to build authentic, long term relationships with churches in their contexts. This requires us to travel to them. Obviously, the thought of another shooting happening again, has us all praying about how to possibly take precautions without being over gripped by fear. Fear is the motive behind this shooting. Fear is the goal of the enemy who doesn’t want us to trust completely in Christ. Fear can cripple a ministry. Please pray against fear in my life, in our family, in our ministry, and ultimately in El Salvador.
I am currently writing up all the events and am anxious to share the story first hand. I’ve experienced nothing short of a miracle, and you all have experienced with me. We all have seen God’s body come together to pray for one another. We have all seen what God will do when we will lift each other up. My prayer is that this will continue to encourage us all to live lives completely in the hands of God, completely available to his Spirit. I pray that we all will care about the hurting people in our world, and continue to come together to live out the Kingdom that Jesus proclaimed is possible in Him.
Many of you have asked how you can help. Dara and I are working through these decisions this week. We are considering coming home (to So. Cal) for a couple weeks, but may wait until I can recover fully, and so that I can wrap up all the loose ends of the case. We have every intention to continue in the work here in El Salvador. Yet, we are very aware of the road that lies ahead. It will take a day at a time to walk through all the feelings. We will let every one know how best to help in the coming days and weeks. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the love you have poured out on us!
One last thing, please continue to pray for the community of Abelines, where I was shot. They have met a couple of times as a church and community since the incident. They feel ashamed that this would happen to me in their community. They feel discouraged and fearful because violence continues to escalate in their midst. Please pray that God will use this to strengthen them, and their heart to reach their community. Pray that all the work of the last 5 years will not be harmed by this, but in God’s sovereignty only strengthened.
We will keep you posted throughout the coming weeks. I have tests planned all week, so please continue to pray for the 100% recovery of my esophagus and for no damage to any other part of my neck. I so value you your prayers, support, and friendship.
Trusting in Our Savior,