Bono Preaches at The National Prayer Breakfast

Why is Bono so concerned about the poor?  I know that it is pretty normal for very successful rock stars to resolve their mid life crises by finding a good cause to campaign. Yet, Bono has been on this kick for a while.  I admit to loving his music. I grew up on it.  I attended the U2 tour in Anaheim last year, and was blown away.  He gave time during the sets to the "One" campaign that he started.  He made some hints to his spirtituality (especially during "Yahweh"), but not enough to make any clear line to his faith in Jesus Christ.

Earlier this year Bono was invited to the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C.  He was given considerable time, and he made a plea for poor, sick, and oppressed.  His foundation was Scripture.  Take the time to read.  The texts he uses are solid, and challenges us to ask why it is taking a rock star from Europe to shake up Washington to seek its soul in serving the poor. Read here: Bono's Message.