Can you do this???

IMG_1261.jpgYesterday, Dara and I took the kids out to Las Delicias, a community outside of San Salvador, to visit a church (Buen Samaritano) that ENLACE has been working with for over 10 years.  I have spoken much about Pastor Miguel, and his church of 50 people who continually transform their community.  What I experienced yesterday took me to another level of amazement.

The church is currently striving to provide water to three communities comprising about 10,000-12,000 people.  The project has been very difficult.  It started out as one water tank serving one community, and now is four water tanks, pumps, and about 20 miles of piping to serve the three communities.  The project is estimated at about $1 million.  Remember, the average member at this church makes between $100 and $200 a month. 

One might say that this is even foolish for them to strive to build this system.  But, don't tell that to this church or to Pastor Miguel.  Their answer is to cart one brick at a time, pray together, and dream that one day their families and neighbors might have water.  Their dream is that God receive all glory, and that people in their communities would experience Christ through their sacrificial service.

You had to see this to believe it.  Check out the picture here.  This lady must be at least in her late 60's, early 70's, and she was carrying four bricks at a time up the hill.  The hill they are working on is about 3 miles away from their homes, and many walked to the sight.  Along with the elderly (check out the pictures at the following link ), there were tons of kids helping out as well.  The church worked hard.  They made a little progress, but they were in one heart as they served.

For us, it was an amazing opportunity to witness the Church fulfilling its purpose in being the salt of the earth.  Salt, in Biblical times, was used to preserve food.  It was a vital ingredient for subsistence.  Nothing more than water is as vital for living, and this church is striving to provide it for their neighbors.  At the hill yesterday, there were many people from the community that did not attend the church.  Many would not consider themselves Christians.  Yet, their understanding of this church is that they live out what is written in the Bible.  More and more, we are hearing stories of people coming to know Christ because they were first attracted to the radical service of this body of believers.  Yesterday, there was a lot of sweat, but the aroma was that of Christ. We are to be this sweet aroma as Christians.