"Any good gardner knows that beautiful roses require careful pruning. Pieces of living plant have to die. It cannot just grow wild. We cannot simply "celebrate growth." It is more than to be regretted, it is tragic that we seem to have lost the insight that growth in Christ requires careful pruning. Pieces of us by our intentional action need to die if we are to become the person that is in God's vision. We are not cutting away a cancerous growth, but making intentional action of pruning of life that better life might grow by God's grace - just as better roses grow by God's grace...Mortification is the intentional denial of legitimate pleasures in the spirit of Christian poverty that one might be more human...Once rendered silly, we dismissed the idea of "giving up" and talk of "taking on." What we failed to understand was that a life incapable of significant sacrifice is also incapable of courageous action." - From Spirituality for Ministry by Urban T. Homes III
students heading to Three Angels Christian Academy
Last month, I was challenged by the Isaiah passages that call us to fast and pray on behalf of the the poor and oppressed around us. This morning, as we take another day to fast and petition for our Haitian brothers and sisters, I am looking look in the mirror. Fasting immediately holds a mirror to my spiritual condition, today. What am I holding on to today? What needs pruning today? If I truly desire for God to shape me into the person He has created me to be, if I truly want to resemble Jesus more than my own disposition, what is holding me back? I am challenged by this word picture that asks me to cut so that I may experience more of the good stuff. Fasting is so often cast into a prudish picture of ancient piety reserved for the stoics or the super spiritual. But this morning, I am feeling thankful for fasting because it reminds me that God has so much for me if I am courageous enough to cut away the overgrowth in my life. He uses my petition for Three Angels and the people of Haiti to soften my heart to Him, to teach me to let go of the unnecessary, and to find the path to freedom that exists right below my feet once the overgrowth is pruned.
I encourage you today to allow this fast to be one of anticipation. Yes, of what God will do to further the ministry of TACR, but also what He wants to do in your life, today. Let him speak to you in a new and fresh way. Let him show you where there is overgrowth, and where He wants to make your life more simple. Discover your path to freedom this morning, so that you can walk light knowing that you are a child of God who loves you and will care for your needs. Don't take on burdens He never asked you to. Fast, and experience the pleasure of pruning.
Thank you for your prayer today. Let's expect great things from our Father this month.