Catalyst One Day with Stanley & Groeschel

The conference sessions exceeded my expectations.  Craig drove home the importance of articulating clear value statements that reflect the true heart of the leadership and the vision of the church.  He challenged us to aks honestly what our actions say we value, not just what we ascribe to.  The opportunity is to explore and identify the authentic values God has instilled in each of us.  Then he says shape your culture and build your people around your values.

Stanley nailed it with how to build a healthy staff culture.  Our main question should be "what can I do to help" to foster a culture of mutual submission.  He threw out the notion of top down authority based leadership in exchange for Jesus' command that we don't lord over one another but serve.  He gave a few great tips:

  • Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone
  • Systematize top-down service
  • Create and maintain a sustainable organizational pace
  • Without margin there is no room to serve
  • Without margin, we seek first our kingdom
  • Celebrate and reward mutual submission when you see it.
  • Confront your ego
  • Drop the term loyalty from your vocabulary...If you have to ask for it, demand it, or have people sign a document pledging it, YOU are the one who lacks it.

Catalyst One Day Preview Video from Catalyst on Vimeo.


The World Population about to pass 7 billion mark

In the next year we will pass the 7 billion mark in terms of world population.  At the current pace we will pass 10 billion people within roughly 30 years.  This will have profound impact on the world's food and energy supply and will reshape global politics.  The UN has set up a interactive website to access global demographic data.  What do you think the impact of this growth will be on our world?